Books in English about the Dutch East India Company

Although the contents of this website are mainly in Dutch, we believe that a separate list of books and articles in the English language concerning the Dutch East India Company will address a broad public outside the Netherlands. Note that some of the books are only partly in English.

Wagenaar, Lodewijk, 2016. - Cinnamon & Elephants : Sri Lanka and the Netherlands from 1600.
Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2016. - 200 pp.: [en]
ISBN 978 94 6004 283 6
Werz, Bruno E.J.S., 2017. - The Haarlem Shipwreck (1647) : The Origins of Cape Town.
Pretoria: Unisa Press, 2017. - 224 pp.: [en]
ISBN 978-1-86888-839-9
Werz, Bruno E.J.S., 2006. - The Vlissingen : A Dutch East India Company ship that perished along the Namibian shore in 1747. - In: Namibia and The Netherlands : 350 Years of Relations.
Windhoek: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 2006: [en]
ISBN 99916-68-53-5
E-book, klik op de titel
Westra, Piet, en James C. Armstrong (ed.), 2006. - Slave trade with Madagascar / Slawehandel met Madagaskar : The journals of the Cape slaver Leijdsman, 1715 / Die Joernale van die Kaapse slaweskip Leijdsman, 1715.
Cape Town: Africana Publishers/Uitgewers, 2006. - [xi] + 165p.: [af/nl, en]
ISBN 13-978-0620-37367-8
Winius, G.D. en M.P.M. Vink, 1991. - The merchant - warrior pacified : the VOC (the Dutch East India Company) and its changing political economy in India.
Delhi [etc.]: Oxford University Press, 1991. - 201 p.: [en]
ISBN 0-19-562808-X
Witt, Dennis de, 2011. - History of the Dutch in Malaysia.
Third ed. - Subang Jaya: Nutmeg Publishing, 2011. - 258 pp.: [en]
(Malaysian Heritage Publications)
ISBN 978-983-43519-3-9
Written in the perspective of a Malaysian Dutch descendant, Dennis De Witt, who is the co-ordinator of the Malaysian Dutch Descendants Project, it gives a comprehensive and never before narrated story about the history of the Dutch in Malaysia and the Malaysian Dutch community.
Yong Liu, 2007. - The Dutch East India Company's Tea Trade with China, 1757-1781.
Leiden: Brill, 2007. - 282 p.: [en]
(TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction, 6)
ISBN 978-9004155-99-2
This case study of the tea trade of the Dutch East India Company with China deals with the most profitable phase of the Dutch Company’s China trade, focusing on the question why and how the tea trade was taken out of the hands of the High Government in Batavia and put under the supervision of the newly established China Committee in 1757. Various factors which contributed to the phenomenal rise of this trade and its sudden decline are dealt with in detail. Filling in lacunae left open by previous research and this monograph contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the VOC trade with Asia.
Zwart, Pim de, 2015. - Globalization and the Colonial Origins of the Great Divergence : Intercontinental Trade and Living Standards in the Dutch East India Company’s Commercial Empire, c. 1600-1800.
Leiden: Brill, 2015. - 296 pp.: [en]
(Global Economic History Series, 11)
ISBN 9789004299658
Proefschrift. Verwacht december 2015