Boeken over VOC-handelsposten
Onderstaande boeken, artikelen en andere gedrukte bronnen hebben als hoofdonderwerp handelsposten en vestigingen van de VOC. De meeste recente uitgaven zijn snel te herkennen aan het vlaggetje. Lang niet alle genoemde titels zijn nog nieuw verkrijgbaar; de tweedehands-boekhandel kan u dan wellicht verder helpen.
Velde, Paul van der, en Cynthia Viallé, 1995. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. VIII 1760-1780 . Leiden: Center for the History of European Expansion, 1995. - 240 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta, ISSN 0165-2850 ; no. 19) | |
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Velde, Paul van der, en Ton Vermeulen, 1990. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. III 1700-1710 . Leiden: Center for the History of European Expansion, 1990. - 276 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta ; no. 10) | |
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Verbeek, John R., 2022. - “Onder faveur van ’t canon” VOC-Artillerie, 1602-1796 : Technologische vernieuwingen, logistiek en beleid. Leiden: Sidestone Press Dissertations, 2022. - 410 pp.: [nl] ISBN 978-94-6428-042-5 | |
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Vermeulen, A.C.J., 1987. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. II 1690-1700 . Leiden: Center for the History of European Expansion, 1987. - 210 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta ; no. 8) | |
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Vermeulen, Ton, 1986. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. I 1680-1690 . Leiden: Center for the History of European Expansion, 1986. - 127 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta ; no. 6) | |
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Verstegen, M.A.M., 2001. - De Indische Zeeherberg : de stichting van Zuid-Afrika door de V.O.C.. Zaltbommel: Europese Bibliotheek, 2001. - 136 p.: [nl] ISBN 90-288-2680-7 | |
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Verstegen, M.A.M., 2002. - Kaapstad : een onwettig kind van de VOC : een juridisch-politieke visie op het ontstaan van Kaapstad. Zaltbommel: Europese Bibliotheek, 2002. - 80 p.: [nl] ISBN 90-288-3592-X | |
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Viallé, Cynthia, en Leonard Blussé, 2010. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. XIII 1660-1670. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 2010. - 421 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta ; no. 27) | |
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Viallé, Cynthia, en Leonard Blussé, 2001. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. XI 1641-1650. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 2001. - 440 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta, ISSN 0165-2850 ; no. 23) | |
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Viallé, Cynthia, en Leonard Blussé, 2005. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. XII 1650-1660. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 2005. - 481 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta ; no. 25) | |
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Viallé, Cynthia, en Leonard Blussé, 1997. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. X 1790-1800. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 1997. - 235 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta, ISSN 0165-2850 ; no. 21) | |
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Viallé, Cynthia, en Leonard Blussé, 1996. - The Deshima dagregisters : their original tables of contents : Vol. IX 1780-1790. Leiden: Institute for the History of European Expansion, 1996. - 301 p.: [en] (Intercontinenta, ISSN 0165-2850 ; no. 20) | |
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![]() [gepubliceerd op internet], [2009]: [nl] E-book, klik op de titel Gepubliceerd op internet | |
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Viljoen, Russel, 2006. - Jan Paerl, a Khoikhoi in Cape Colonial Society 1761-1851. Leiden: Brill, 2006. - 214 p.: [en] ( TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction, 1) ISBN-13: 978-9004150-93-5 Jan Paerl (1761-1851) was the initiator of what is arguably the first millenarian movement in colonial South Africa. In this biography of the Khoikhoi Jan Paerl light is being shed on this new form of resistance against colonial domination in Cape society. As the prophet, Onsen Liewen Heer, Paerl initiated a quasi-millenarian movement by persuading believers to reassert their Khoikhoi identity and reclaim the “land of their forefathers”. This study discusses Paerl’s post-prophetic activities, his trial and incarceration, the clash with his colonial master, his appropriation of mission Christianity and his last years as a Moravian Christian. | |
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Vos, R.C., 1990. - Koopman en koning : de VOC en de Maleise tinhandel, 1740-1800. [s.l.: s.n.], 1990. - 240 p.: [nl] Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht; samenvatting in het Engels | |
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Wagenaar, Lodewijk, 2016. - Cinnamon & Elephants : Sri Lanka and the Netherlands from 1600. Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2016. - 200 pp.: [en] ISBN 978 94 6004 283 6 | |
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Wagenaar, Lodewijk, 1994. - Galle, VOC-vestiging in Ceylon. Amsterdam: De Bataafsche Leeuw, 1994. - 248 p.: [nl] ISBN 90-6707-333-4 | |
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Wagenaar, Lodewijk, 2016. - Kaneel & olifanten : Sri Lanka en Nederland sinds 1602. Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2016. - 200 pp.: [nl] ISBN 978 94 6004 273 7 | |
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Wagenaar, Lodewijk (red.), 2015. - Aan de overkant : Ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800). Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2015. - 342 pp.: [nl] ISBN 9789088903168 | |
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Wall, V.I. van de, 1928. - De Nederlandsche oudheden in de Molukken. 's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1928. - 311 pp.: [nl] | |
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Westra, Piet, en James C. Armstrong (ed.), 2006. - Slave trade with Madagascar / Slawehandel met Madagaskar : The journals of the Cape slaver Leijdsman, 1715 / Die Joernale van die Kaapse slaweskip Leijdsman, 1715. Cape Town: Africana Publishers/Uitgewers, 2006. - [xi] + 165p.: [af/nl, en] ISBN 13-978-0620-37367-8 | |
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Widjojo, Muridan S., 2007. - Cross-Cultural Alliance-Making and Local Resistance in Maluku during the Revolt of Prince Nuku, c. 1780-1810. Leiden: 2007 E-book, klik op de titel | |
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Witt, Dennis de, 2011. - History of the Dutch in Malaysia. Third ed. - Subang Jaya: Nutmeg Publishing, 2011. - 258 pp.: [en] (Malaysian Heritage Publications) ISBN 978-983-43519-3-9 Written in the perspective of a Malaysian Dutch descendant, Dennis De Witt, who is the co-ordinator of the Malaysian Dutch Descendants Project, it gives a comprehensive and never before narrated story about the history of the Dutch in Malaysia and the Malaysian Dutch community. | |
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Yong Liu, 2007. - The Dutch East India Company's Tea Trade with China, 1757-1781. Leiden: Brill, 2007. - 282 p.: [en] (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction, 6) ISBN 978-9004155-99-2 This case study of the tea trade of the Dutch East India Company with China deals with the most profitable phase of the Dutch Company’s China trade, focusing on the question why and how the tea trade was taken out of the hands of the High Government in Batavia and put under the supervision of the newly established China Committee in 1757. Various factors which contributed to the phenomenal rise of this trade and its sudden decline are dealt with in detail. Filling in lacunae left open by previous research and this monograph contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the VOC trade with Asia. | |